What Is Inner Engineering Online? How It Can Help You In This Challenging Time? | My Honest Experience

What is Inner Engineering Online?

During these tough times, most of us are locked up at our houses and have nothing to do. Many of us are getting depressed, while some people especially teenagers and youngsters are bounced up with anxiety which leads to suicidal thoughts. During these challenging times we must not only keep our body fit by doing some exercises but also focus on our mental health too which most of us ignore. Those who are not into spirituality and yoga inner engineering is a perfect tool to start with.    

(IEO) or Inner Engineering Online is a powerful tool designed by Sadhguru. It is a series of 7 videos each session consisting of about 90 min with guided meditation. You will be wondering how 7 videos can bring an influence in your life. At first, I also had the same thought but trust me on this it really works if you consciously watch it can change the whole perspective of your mind. The way you think, the way you eat everything will change. You will be able to see the world with more clarity. Please don’t take inner engineering lightly. It is something that will stay with you forever and become a part of yourself.

Benefits of inner engineering online

You will start experiencing changes after watching the first session itself. If you follow the meditation processes that are taught in inner engineering online correctly you will notice that your sleep quota will get reduced and you will be able to wake up on time, you will start eating consciously, lethargy will completely go away, your concentration level will also increase tremendously and you will be bursting with bliss and joy.

How my experience went with inner engineering online program?

I had an astonishing experience with inner engineering program. I got to know about Sadhguru’s inner engineering program through his YouTube channel. In the beginning I was a little bit confused with the program, I wondered how someone can teach through videos especially yogic practices without their physical presence. I gathered my courage and registered for the program. 

You won’t believe my mind was totally blown away just after 30 minutes of first session. After each session I was feeling more and more calm. Inner Engineering is a phenomenal tool that opens those possibilities which you have never thought of. It allows you to explore the deeper dimensions of life. The meditation practices that they have mentioned in the session is magnificent. If you do it mindfully and consciously the meditation practices are enough to make you high.

The program is divided into 7 sessions each consisting of 90 minutes. You can binge watch it straightly for 10 hours or as per your convenience. I would not recommend you to binge watch it, because then you will not be able to absorb what is taught in the program properly. Watching one session per day would be apt according to me. Please keep in mind that you must complete the whole program within 30 days of purchase. You will not be able to re-watch or download the sessions which you have already watched, however there is 10 second rewind option in case you miss something while watching. 

It would be best if you can sit in cross legged posture while watching the sessions. If you are watching from a laptop try to place it in your shoulder level. Same thing is applicable with smart phones. Please make sure you have a high-speed internet at your place. It would be best if you can watch the sessions in the early morning, preferably on an empty stomach after taking a shower. However, if you can’t watch the sessions in the morning you can watch it as per your convenience just make sure you attend the program 1.5 -2 hours after a meal i.e. your stomach should not be full you should be somewhat hungry.

Course Structure

Class 1 (Mechanics of life)

Class 2 (The only bondage)

Class 3 (To live and to live totally)

Class 4 (You are not what you think)

Class 5 (Mind - the miracle)   

Class 6 (Sounds of creation)

Class 7 (Creating what you want)


Because of these challenging times inner engineering online course is offered at 50% off until July 5, 2020. The program is available in English, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu & Marathi. If you wish to purchase the course in English, it will cost you 1750 Indian rupees. For rest of the languages the course is offered at 750 Indian rupees.

Research findings about the inner engineering online program

Harvard medical school research shows Inner engineering online resulted in over a 50% reduction in stress for complaint participants.

Another research done by Rutgers University shows that Inner engineering online results in significant increase in energy, mindfulness, joy, and work engagement.    


Inner engineering online is a simple but powerful tool. It opens infinite possibilities for you. After the completion of the course you will start seeing the world through a different perspective. You will start experiencing changes in your body as well as mind right after the first session. While attending the program make sure you fully devote your time for the program only.

During these challenging times inner engineering online is a phenomenal tool for your self-transformation. Do inner engineering and start your self-transformation journey now.

Register now for inner engineering online program


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