All About Positive, Negative & Zero Pranic foods

‘You are what you eat’ this is becoming a trend these days. Consuming the right food plays an important role in maintaining good health.

The food that you put into your system decides things such as your energy levels, sleep quota, mood swings & much more. Therefore, eating the right food plays a crucial role. These days people are blindly following fancy diets be it Keto, Atkins, or GM diet, without the proper knowledge & awareness people follow it, just because someone has recommended them. 

While these diets may give you faster results for a short period of time but again you will face the same issues after you stop dieting. So, what’s the permanent solution? 

While modern science keeps on changing its opinions frequently on what is healthy & what is unhealthy, Ayurveda has a much clear opinion. So, what’s the problem in sticking to something that is transparent. According to Ayurveda, there are classifications of food i.e. Sattvic, Tamasic, & Rajasic. 

It can be further classified as positive, negative & zero pranic foods. Positive pranic foods are those substances which, when consumed, add prana (life energy) to the system. Negative pranic foods take away prana from the system. Zero pranic foods neither add nor take away prana; they are just eaten for taste & lethargy.

Negative Pranic Foods 

The negative pranic foods also known as Tamasic foods include garlic, onion, asafoetida, chili, brinjal (eggplant), coffee, tea, alcohol, and all nervous stimulants & intoxicants. Certain substances mess up with the nervous system, some put it down – anything that plays with the nervous system is negative pranic.

Consuming these food items on regular basis will have a huge impact on your nervous system. The more you consume these foods the more addicted you will get to them. So, it is better to stay away from them as much as you can. 


Allium sativum also known as garlic comes on the top list among the negative pranic foods. According to Ayurveda garlic is hot in nature so daily consumption of it increases the heat (Pitta) in your body which messes up with your focus & concentration. 

People who are in spiritually & Buddhism restrict themselves from consuming garlic. It is a powerful medicine if moderately used. But using it as a day-to-day food is another different issue. 


Allium cepa commonly known as the onion is another vegetable that Ayurveda considers to be tamasic i.e. negative pranic. Onion is used in the preparation of almost all the curries & gravies. 

Onion also has powerful medicinal properties like garlic & is added in many ayurvedic medicines & remedies. Due to its hot nature, it is believed to increase heat in your body so, all the yogis, Buddhists, Jains & people who follow brahmacharya avoid it. If taken in moderation it can only benefit you, but if you consume it excessively damage happens over a period of time.    

Tea & Coffee

Coffee & tea both are powerful stimulants. If you drink coffee for five days continuously, on the sixth day the coffee commands you -drink! The same problem continues with tea it may boost your energy give you a kick for a short time. But after some time, your energy levels go low, and again you crave a cup of tea. 

These days some people have made tea into a compulsion for some it is 2 cups a day, while some can’t start their day without their cup of tea. Drinking tea in moderation is okay but excessive consumption of tea is a big no from my side. You can try replacing tea with herbal teas which are a way better than regular tea. 


‘Solanum melogena’ commonly known as Eggplant or Brinjal is the only vegetable that has a certain poison in it which tends to cause brain damage. Now don’t think that eating one or two eggplants will damage your brain.

Sadhguru in his book ‘A Taste of Well-Being’ mentions that, if you eat brinjal every single day for 5 years you will be a much duller person than what you are right now. He also says that you should get rid of brinjal if you have growing children in your house as it will affect their intelligence greatly.

 Zero Pranic Foods 

Foods like potatoes & tomatoes fall into the zero pranic or the rajasic category. Zero pranic foods tend to increase your sleep quota because they bring inertia to the system. It would be best if these foods are avoided by children & meditators. 

Adults & people of other age groups can consume these foods in moderation. If you consume a lot of zero pranic foods you will feel sleepy & lethargic all the time. Zero pranic foods are much better compared to negative pranic foods. 

Positive Pranic Foods

Positive pranic foods or sattvic foods include everything other than the negative pranic & the zero pranic foods. It is said that positive pranic foods add energy to the system. If you consume positive pranic foods on regular basis it will greatly enhance your immunity & energize your body. Positive pranic foods are known to give you a sense of calmness, boost alertness & concentration.     


Honey often considered as a superfood is the one and the only thing that is very close to the blood composition of human beings. Due to its phenomenal benefits, Ayurveda considers it as a highly positive food. Taking honey with lukewarm water in the morning is good for weight loss. Honey can be also added to herbal teas and decoctions.

Honey is good for the heart and brain and keeps the mind alert. Making honey culture a part of your diet can be extremely beneficial. Honey is considered as one of the finest sources of natural sugar in Ayurveda.

Ash Gourd

‘Benincasa Hispida’ commonly known ash gourd or winter melon or ‘wax gourd’ is another powerful vegetable that comes in the list of positive pranic foods. From promoting weight loss to soft skin, there are numerous health benefits of consuming ash gourd.

Ash gourd being a coolant gives relief in problems such as constipation & ulcers. You can make its juice, halwa, or simply cook it as a vegetable. It can also be added to salads & smoothies.    


Stay away from negative pranic foods such as garlic, onion, asafoetida, chili, brinjal (eggplant), coffee, tea, alcohol, and all nervous stimulants & intoxicants. Initially, it would be difficult for you to give up on these things. 

Zero pranic foods such as tomatoes & potatoes are safe to eat, but consuming them in excess will cause lethargy & weakness. Eat positive pranic food which includes everything other than the negative pranic & the zero pranic foods such as honey & ash gourd.                      


  1. Many of the dishes that comprise Mexican cuisine were originated by the Aztecs or similar Mesoamerican cultures. The staple of this culinary culture was the corn tortilla, the tomato and the bean. mexican food Austin
