Everything You Need to know About Yoga Teacher Training | Yogic Blogging

With over fifteen thousand years of legacy from Adiyogi to Saptarishis, many things have happened in terms of propagating yoga. 

Yoga is getting a lot of attention in the 20th century due to its phenomenal health benefits & is becoming popular among the youth. It is said that nearly 2 billion people on this planet do yoga which means 1 in every 3-person practice yoga. According to the worldwide yoga statistics, more than 55 million people will start doing yoga in 2020.

With such a massive increase in the number of yoga practitioners, there will be a huge demand for yoga instructors. So pursuing yoga teacher training in the upcoming years will open many doors of opportunities for you.

Should you do yoga teacher training? 

If you are wondering how to take your yogic skills to the next level or want to teach people yoga & turn your never-dying passion of yoga into a profession then you may consider doing yoga teacher training (TTC) & become a certified yoga teacher.

There are many benefits of doing this course, one main advantage is that you get an opportunity to delve into the deep yogic culture which is not just twisting & bending. Also, you get to meet people from different parts of the country which gives a unique experience. There are several yoga schools offering teacher training courses in India as well as in the western countries. You have to choose which school will be suitable for you.  

Is Yoga Teacher training worth it?


Considering the growth of yoga in the future, you should definitely give yoga teacher training a try. Make sure you do thorough research before investing in this course. Keep in mind that it is an investment for the rest of your life so make smart decisions only. Ensure that the yoga school from where you are doing teacher training has a good name & reputation in the industry. 

Talking about the cost, YTT courses cost you from anywhere between $200 to $5000 depending upon the hours. Courses are available in different options – 200 hours YTT, 300 hours YTT, 500 hours YTT & so on. Some yoga schools even offer 1000+ hours of training. 

A majority of people end up choosing the least hour option thinking that there’s not much difference between the highest & the least hour courses. But let me tell you yoga is not something that is to be learned in a month or so. 

It requires a decent amount of patience, time & effort to become a yoga teacher. If you are already willing to invest your money & time why not invest it for the best course that will gain you great experience & value for the rest of your life. So, I recommend you to go for at least a 500+ hour course. 

Benefits of yoga teacher training 

1. It will benefit your body

You will do different yoga postures, asanas, guided meditations & much more during the yoga teacher training which you may have never done or heard of. For beginners or people who don't have any experience with yoga, it will be a little difficult. You may get muscle aches & discomforts in the body for 1-2 weeks. After that, your body will heal itself and you will feel energetic than before.    

2. You will get to learn about yoga deeply 

As I said yoga teacher training is not limited to just bending & twisting. It is something beyond that. Doesn’t matter how much experience of yoga you had previously, the things taught in YTT will stay with you forever. 

Also staying in the ashram will make you more productive. Many schools such as the 'Isha school of hatha yoga' even take the teachers for local sightseeing & temple visits. Some even take you for mountain trekking. So, we can clearly say that it is not limited to just yoga.            

3. You will get to meet people from all around the world


The best thing about yoga teacher training you will get to meet all kinds of people from different locations of the globe. Practicing yoga with the people who have the same curiosity as you will create a different experience altogether. You will make lots of new friends and create a unique bond.       

Should you do YTTC in India or abroad?

You can do it from other places too it completely depends upon you. But nothing can replace the uniqueness of India. Doing yoga teacher courses in India has its advantages. India preserves yoga in its original form, so people from other countries prefer to do YTT from India because as they want to learn yoga from its root.   

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