What Is Oil Pulling and Why You Should Make This Powerful Process A Part Of Your Daily Routine?

Benefits of Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient method mentioned in Ayurveda as ‘Gandusha or Gandush kriya’.

It is a very basic and simple process of removing harmful toxins from your body. Oil pulling can be done by anyone, it does not have any age limit. It is basically swishing a small quantity of oil in your mouth between 10 -15 minutes.

Yes, you heard it right just 10-15 minutes, for many of us it may sound impractical and you may wonder how swishing a small quantity of oil in your mouth can remove toxins from your body. Let me tell you that our mouth is the mirror of our body, the tongue present in our mouth is directly connected to all parts of our body thus swishing oil in the mouth removes most of the toxins that gets accumulated in our body overtime.

Adopting oil pulling into your regular routine offers tremendous benefits from reducing bad breath to treating diseases like migraine, PCOD, asthma, constipation and arthritis. Oil pulling has a solution for all your problems. 

The main advantage of oil pulling is that you don’t have to devote your time especially for doing it you can make it a side part of your routine and do it while reading a magazine or newspaper or while browsing your smartphone. 

It is cheap to practice oil pulling compared to the price of the drugs that your doctor may prescribe you against those deadly diseases which you may get rid of with regular practice of oil pulling. Make this phenomenal kriya (process) a part of your regime and experience its magical benefits yourself.   

How is oil pulling done? The correct method of doing oil pulling

Oil pulling is a very simple process. It requires you only one thing that is oil. You can use any organic cold pressed oil- be it mustard oil, sesame oil or coconut oil to practice oil pulling. Use of oils like refined oil or palm oil or any other vegetable oil is not recommended to do oil pulling. For fast and effective results it is advisable that you use only the above mentioned oils i.e. cold pressed sesame oil, mustard oil or coconut oil.

It is also recommended to use organic cold pressed virgin oils. You can buy oils of any good organic brand available in the market like Organic India, Pure and sure or 24 mantra. However, if you don’t have cold pressed organic oils you can just use a normal oil and do oil pulling, just make sure the oil you are using doesn’t have any preservative.

Now coming to the process. Take one teaspoon about (10 -20) ml of sesame, coconut or mustard oil put it into your mouth and start swishing. Keep it swishing all around your mouth for about 10-15 min or until the oil turns slightly milky white.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to swallow the vicious oil because once you start swishing the oil in your mouth the properties of the oil changes and it no more has the properties of the oil. This is the only thing that you must keep in mind while doing oil pulling. Oil pulling can be done after brushing your teeth. You can do oil pulling anytime however, it is recommended to do it in the morning probably on an empty stomach.

You can do oil pulling daily or on alternate days or as per your body. You can keep switching the oils i.e. if you did oil pulling with coconut for one week on the next week you can switch to sesame oil or mustard oil and so on. I personally prefer to use coconut oil for oil pulling. 

There is no restriction it is completely your choice. It is better to spit the vicious oil on a tissue paper rather than spiting it into the sink which may result in clogging. After doing the process it is advised to thoroughly swish your mouth with normal tap water or lukewarm water so that the vicious oil gets washed out of your mouth completely.


Why should I oil pull with organic cold pressed oils instead of a normal vegetable oil?

It is recommended to oil pull with cold pressed organic oil because organic cold pressed oils doesn’t have any preservatives in them as compared to other vegetable oils which is available in the market nowadays. Positively you will get a much faster result if you use organic cold pressed oils instead of other oils. So if you can afford organic oils then it is the best thing you can get.

How often should I do oil pulling?

As I told above oil pulling can be done anytime. But if you can do it early morning in empty stomach right after brushing your teeth then it is the best. You can do oil pulling as many times as you wish.  



Oil pulling is a phenomenal process, If done correctly it works magically. There is no specific time to do this process, however it is advisable to do it in an empty stomach. You don’t need to skip brushing if you oil pull. You can do it before or after brushing.

It is not recommended to use refined oil or any other vegetable oil for practicing this process, for faster and effective results it is advisable to use organic cold pressed oils only. If you don’t have organic cold pressed oil or can’t afford it you can use a normal oil just make sure it doesn’t have any preservatives or artificial flavours.

If you can get cold pressed sesame oil, coconut oil or mustard oil for oil pulling then it the best. Make sure that you don’t accidentally swallow the oil. You can do other tasks like watching television or reading a book while doing oil pulling. Don’t spit the oil directly into the sink as it may result in clogging, you can spit it on a tissue paper instead and throw it away. Adopt this powerful toxic removing process into your daily routine and experience its magical benefits today.                            

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