5 Productive Things to Do During Quarantine | Yogic Blogging

The pandemic has forced several workspaces, shopping malls, places of entertainment, and much more to shut.

It has changed our lifestyles drastically & has brought a huge influence on our way of living. Since this virus is pushing us to sit at home, we all are getting lots of free time. While most of us are wasting this valuable time by playing video games & binging on Netflix. 

I believe this is the time to go deeply into spirituality, try different things, or focus on developing a new skill. Now it doesn’t mean that you completely cut off movies or stop playing video games, what’s the problem in trying something new if it works for you?               

1. Stretch, stretch & stretch; do Yoga

Doing yoga for just 15- 30 mins can bring a huge impact on your health. Prolonged sitting hours make our spine & other parts of the body become rigid which causes pain, muscle soreness, and other things. Doing certain yoga postures ensures proper circulation of blood and releases happy hormones such as dopamine which instantly uplifts our mood.

Doing two rounds of Surya namaskara alone is enough to take care of your overall health. If Surya namaskara seems difficult you can also do simple practices such as yoga namaskar or pranayama. Doing yoga has numerous benefits. Apart from providing flexibility it will boost your immunity & nourish your mind, body & soul at the same time & give you a sense of calmness & coolness.                          

2. Be Meditative

Can’t go outside? Go inside then, while yoga makes you strong from outside, meditation expands the intellectual capacity of your mind & pushes it to think more. Various studies conducted on meditation prove that it can increase the grey matter in your brain i.e. the part associated with awareness & self-control. 

Meditation makes you calm & ecstatic and creates a sense of blissfulness from within. Just close your eyes and simply do deep breathing for a few minutes daily or whenever you feel stressed or irritated. Make meditation a part & you can see how it changes your personality. If you are not familiar with meditation you can follow guided meditation processes, there are a lot of free meditation videos available on YouTube such as ‘Isha Kriya’.           

3. Clean that social media trash, have a digital detox

Social media is one thing that is used by all of us. It has its positives & negatives. If you use it in moderation it has benefits, but scrolling on social media all the time will destroy your mind's ability to think completely. 

You will become duller than before if you use social media excessively. One thing you can do to reduce using social media is by turning off the notifications. Yes, it is the notifications that excites you to open a particular app, the more notifications you get, the more you tend to open it.  

I know we don’t have any option other than social media especially during this time and it’s a bit unfair to say to have a digital detox. But using it excessively will provoke you to use it more. Try replacing the time you scroll on social media, by watching a podcast or a documentary at least you will get to know about something & absorb some knowledge. Trust me you will have an increased concentration & focus if you decrease your social media usage.  

4. Become health-conscious

Eating nutrition-less junk is becoming a trend these days. Only a few of us are paying to eat consciously and paying attention to our health. From instant noodles to our movie friend ‘biscuits’ all mess up with our digestive system. Apart from causing low appetite, they make us feel lethargic & drowsy.

Even if you do heavy workouts and eat processed foods it will significantly damage your health. Try to eat more homely & avoid processed foods as much as possible. Invest the money you spend on processed foods in fresh fruits & vegetables instead. You must include at least 50 % of raw fruits & vegetables in your diet. Do this and observe the changes within yourself. Your energy levels will spike up instantly.    


5. Find your passion 

I feel this pandemic has given us a lost chance, a chance that we all have missed. It has opened up many golden opportunities & careers. We all have put off our passions some, or the other time because of the academic & societal pressures. Now when we are getting the free time we are destroying & simply wasting it. 

Instead of listening to the toxic news and the negativities that are spreading around, invest your time in doing something creative. Keep experimenting with different things sooner or later you will get your passion. 

This is the best time to find your passion, engage in something productive you can try learning a new language online, or read a spiritual book such as Bhagavad Gita or try to develop an existing skill of you.  

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