7 Free Powerful Tools Offered by Sadhguru for Self-Transformation

How the current situations are affecting us & Why should we adopt meditation?   

Due to the pandemic there is a drastic change in our lifestyles. It is getting difficult for a lot of people to adjust with current situations. Many of us are facing a very tough time and are unable to fight with this virus.

We all are continuously listening to the toxic news that media is pushing out and panicking us. One thing which is ignored by all of us during these challenging times is our mental health. If your mental health is strong the impact of this virus on you will be less and you will be able to cope up with it easily.

Yoga & meditation plays a huge role, when talking about mental health. If you are not able to do yoga due to certain reasons you should at least practice meditation. Meditation can make a huge impact on your mental health.

Practicing meditation for just 10-15 minutes a day can change your entire perspective. If you do meditation you will start seeing the world with better clarity, you will get less anger & anxious and much more.

However, if you are not very familiar with meditation here are 7 tools offered by Sadhguru a yogi & a mystic. The main advantage of these tools is that they come along with voice support so you will feel like someone is sitting in front of you and guiding you. Also, if you are a beginner or someone who is looking forward to practice meditation these tools are perfect to start with. Read more to know


7 free powerful tools offered by sadhguru for self-transformation

1 1.  Isha Kriya

Isha kriya is a simple, free guided meditation designed by sadhguru. It is a powerful spiritual process for everyday practice. Isha kriya is a 12 min extremely simple but powerful tool. It is a process of combining your thought, breath and awareness which enhances your ability to use the mind & the body.

Isha kriya happens in 3 stages. In stage 1, you have to inhale and exhale slowly & mentally say to yourself I’m not the body, I’m not even the mind. Stage 2 is about uttering the sound ‘Aaam’ 7 times. In stage 3, you have to sit for 5- 6 minutes with a slightly upturned face and keep a mild focus between your eyebrows.

When you sit to do Isha kriya, do not pay attention to the activity of the mind or body, whatever is happening in your body or mind just ignore it and simply sit. Also, it is not advisable to take a break in between the practice. The kriya will yield maximum benefits if you do it for a minimum of 12 minutes each time. Consider doing it twice a day for 48 days or once a day for 90 days.

2. Yoga for health - Directional Movements

In a world full of hectic lifestyles, desk-jobs and pollution, health seems a faraway thing. Sadhguru gives the unique yogic perspective on health. By paying attention to a few simple fundamentals, you can ensure good health for yourself.

This upa yoga practice is a simple way to activate the energy nodules in your joints and exercise your muscles bringing ease to the whole system. Sadhguru says when we lie in horizontal postures for a few hours during sleep the lubricating fluids in our body tend to settle down & are not in circulation.

So, when we wake up our body is demanding to lubricate our joints first. Directional movements is a simple way of doing this. It also exercises the muscles without any risk of injury unlike the exercises that you do in gym. Our joints have a concentration of energy nodules so by activating them everything in the system gets ignited for action.


3  3.  Yoga for Peace – Nadi Shuddhi

The nadi shuddhi practice cleanses the nadis – the pathways through which energy flows resulting in a balanced system and psychological wellbeing. The word nadi shuddhi means cleansing the nadis. There are 72,000 nadis or energy pathways in the human system.

These 72,000 nadis are a branch out of the two nadis i.e. ida & pingala. Pingala nadi is the right or masculine energy channel while ida nadi is the left or feminine energy channel. When we say nadi shuddhi it is about cleansing fundamentally the pingala and ida so that energy system will work in balance. There is a connection between your thought breath and your mental structure.

To bring balance to your thought  a very important step that you need to take is that if you want to bring balance to your activity, your emotion and the results of your life & the impact that you have on other peoples lives, nadi shuddhi plays an important role.                


4  4. Yoga for love – Namaskar Process

Namaskar process: The many nerve endings in your palms make them very sensitive, you can change your chemistry to foster love within. According to Sadhguru, the word yoga means union – union of all polarities, of masculine & feminine, yin and yang, individual and universal, Shiva shakti, right brain and left brain or whatever else you may want to call them. 

To achieve this blessed union, the simplest form is the yoga of namaskar. Putting two hands in alignment with each other at the level of your heart will bring you to a certain harmony between polarities within. That in turn brings a sense of being united with whoever or whatever the namaskar is aimed at.

In placing your hands together, the dualities of likes and dislikes, your cravings and aversions, are leveled out and there is a certain oneness to the experience of ‘who you are’. Try putting your hands in namaskar for a few minutes every day and experience the change within yourself.                   

5. Yoga for success: Neck Practices

In evolution, a vertical spine corresponds to a leap in capability. This simple practice keeps the spine healthy and active, and can-do wonders.

According to Sadhguru, both the neurological and the energy systems branch out in a big way, between the shoulder blades and above. So, keeping the neck region in a good condition is very important.

Within 3-4 minutes of doing this neck practices, you will distinctly see that you are much more alert and the lethargy in the body will be obliterated & there is a higher way of neuronal regeneration. Memory and intellectual sharpness also improve.                 


6. Yoga for Joy – Nada Yoga

Nada yoga - the yoga of sound or reverberation – allows you to utter the sounds that create inner atmosphere of joy, making it a natural way to be. Sadhguru says, that modern science is proving to you that the whole existence is just a reverberation.

Where there is reverberation there is bound to be a sound. So, the whole existence is sound. The root sounds for this complex amalgamation of sounds are aaa, ooo & mmm. Without employing your tongue, you would be able to make only these 3 sounds. By placing your tongue in different positions within the cavity of your mouth, you get to mix these 3 sounds and produce all the other sounds. Aaa, ooo & mmm are the basis of all the other sounds that you can utter.

They are referred to as the basic sounds or the universal sounds. If you utter these sounds together you get the sound ‘Aum’ If you utter these sounds carefully different aspects of your body are activated and energized. Uttering these 3 sounds has innumerable benefits.

If you are suffering from psychological disturbances like excessive fear, nightmares or unstable mind or body and if your general constitution is weak, you tend to fall sick too often. Particularly for children who have attention disorders, daily utterance of these sounds will make an enormous difference.                          


7  7.  Yoga for Inner Exploration – Shambhavi Mudra

Shambhavi mudra is an easy, effortless, process that enhances your perception and makes you receptive to that dimension of life, often termed as grace.

According to Sadhguru, in the history of humanity this has happened to many truly scintillating human beings. They have shone brighter than the stars in the sky. But why is it that one seems to come with enormous capability and another has to struggle with every little aspect of life. If you consider yourself to be a mechanism you have a body & a mind. You may have a great body and a great mind but what you call as grace is the lubrication.

Without the necessary lubrication, you get stuck at every point. Many number of people like this are there on this planet – intelligent, capable but at every corner in their life they get stuck because there is no lubrication.

 So, it is important for a human being to have an element of grace in their lives. Shambhavi mudra is a process that is like opening a window so that one becomes receptive to grace.










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